Importer Obligation & Requirements in completing Origin documents – Declarations, Statements, and Certifications of Origin

May 22, 2024. This notice informs the trade community about the obligations and requirements importers must fulfill when completing origin documents, including origin declarations, origin statements, and certifications of origin.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has noted a rising trend of using consignee information in place of importer information, particularly when the consignee is not the importer of record (IOR). The importer must be the actual IOR. If the consignee is not the IOR, they cannot be listed as the importer on origin declarations, origin statements, or certifications of origin.


Origin declarations, origin statements, or certifications of origin must be completed and signed by an authorized official of the importer, exporter, producer, or their agent, who has knowledge of the relevant facts about the goods’ origin, as specified by the respective trade preference program.

A claim for preferential tariff treatment may be denied if an importer fails to submit the completed origin declaration, origin statement, or certification of origin, as requested by CBP and in accordance with the trade preference program requirements.

For more information on origin declarations, origin statements, and certification of origin requirements, see the references below:

origin declaration, origin statements, certifications of origin requirements