eManifest Lead Sheet Requirements

The following notice has been received and included for your reference. This information is applicable to highway carriers.
CN 16-25, eManifest Lead Sheet Requirements

1. This customs notice is to inform highway carriers of the new requirements for the presentation of lead sheets and obtaining proof of report. Lead sheets are only required to be presented to the border services officer at PIL for the purposes of logging the passage, and must have either a bar coded conveyance reference number (CRN), or a bar coded cargo control number (CCN) with a handwritten CRN.

Lead sheet options:

2. Carriers must maintain books and records by ensuring that for each shipment imported into Canada, they have acceptable proof of report and proof of release (or proof of transfer of liability when goods are moved into a warehouse).

3. If a carrier is presenting a pre-arrival review system (PARS) document for release at the first port of arrival (FPOA), the driver may present, as a lead sheet, the required PARS documentation with a bar coded CCN and a hand written CRN on the PARS document. If the PARS is in good standing and is released at FPOA, the border services officer will stamp the PARS documentation. This will serve as paper proof of report and proof of release which satisfies the carrier’s obligation to maintain books and records.

4. In cases where a paper proof of report is required only, in a failed PARS scenario (i.e. release is not on file or has been rejected) where the PARS is not corrected at the FPOA and the carrier is moving in bond, the carrier must be prepared to present an alternate document* for stamping as proof of report. An alternate document could be any paper with a hand written CRN.
*current in bond processes apply (i.e. form A8A-B cargo control document is also to be presented)

5. For all other scenarios, the driver will submit a lead sheet which contains either a bar coded CRN or a bar coded CCN with a hand written CRN. The lead sheet should not be presented on an invoice, bill of lading or any other document normally presented by carriers for release purposes. It is recommended that for all non-PARS releases, the words “eManifest Lead Sheet” or “Portal Lead Sheet” be printed on the document presented.

6. Carriers must advise their drivers as to what documentation is necessary to present for a lead sheet, and what is necessary for the purposes of stamping for proof of report and proof of release. If the carrier maintains electronic records for proof of report and/or proof of release, stamped paper document(s) may not be necessary.


Acceptable examples of Proof of Report

  • Stamped eManifest lead sheet; or
  • Section 12(1) report from the eManifest Portal; or
  • New eManifest Reported Notice (as of Spring 2016). Carrier must register with Technical Commercial Client Unit (TCCU) to receive notices
  • New eManifest Reported Notice (as of Spring 2016) through a third party service provider. Carrier must register with the TCCU to receive notices
Acceptable Examples of Proof of Release

  • CBSA stamped invoice, bill of lading, PARS Consist/Stack manifest (for FPOA release utilizing the PARS release process only); or
  • RNS “Release Notification” message received directly or through a third party service provider; or
  • New eManifest Release Notice (as of Spring 2016). Carrier must register with the TCCU to receive notices
  • New eManifest Release Notice (as of Spring 2016) through a third party service provider. Carrier must register with the TCCU to receive notices

This notice is available on the CBSA website at: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/cn-ad/cn16-25-eng.html