CAED Program 2017 Version Release

Yesterday, Buckland received notice from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) regarding the 2017 Version Release of the Canadian Automated Export Declaration (CAED). We are sharing it with valued customers to ensure that you are kept aware of government regulations and changes in the industry.

Canadian Automated Export Declaration (CAED) Program 2017 Version Release
Customs Notice 16-31

1. The purpose of this Notice from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is:

2. Exporters are required to report their goods in accordance with the Reporting of Exported Goods Regulations. Exporters should review their records to ensure that the appropriate “place of exit” continues to be reported on their export declarations. Failure to provide true, accurate and complete information on an export declaration could result in delays to the export of the goods and/or the issuance of monetary penalties.

3. The 2016 version of CAED will expire on January 31, 2017, after which time only the 2017 version will be valid.

4. CAED participants should upgrade to the 2017 version by downloading the software along with the release notes from the website

5. The following offices will no longer be recognized as designated export offices and will be eliminated from the “place of exit” field in the 2017 version of CAED:

6. The following office will now be recognized as a designated export office and will be added to the “place of exit” field in the 2017 version of CAED:

7. The following offices have revised port names and will be added to the “place of exit” field in the 2017 version of CAED:

8. The following countries will be added to the list of countries available in the 2017 version of CAED:

9. The following countries name will be removed from the list of countries available in the 2017 version of CAED:

10. Refer to the Designated Export Office (EXPORT) | Directory of CBSA Offices and Services | Canada Border Services Agency for the updated listing of designated export offices.

11. When reporting export goods to the CBSA using the CAED program, or other reporting methods, ensure that the declaration is fully and accurately completed and that a detailed description of all goods is provided.

12. A conveyance identification number must be noted on the declaration when reporting the export of a vehicle/conveyance.

13. Numerous changes have been made to the Harmonized System (HS) Classification Codes for 2017.  Exporters are encouraged to refer to the 2017 Canadian Export Classification Manual for more information.

14. For CAED information: Contact the CAED Helpdesk – Statistics Canada

15. For more export reporting information, consult at the CBSA:

16. Alternatively, you may contact the CBSA Border Information Service (BIS).

If you have questions about how this affects your business, please reach out toBuckland today.