Dec Accepted Messages and other eManifest and RNS Issues

The following is a notice received from the Canadian Society of Customs Brokers (CSCB) regarding the change of timing of Dec Accepted messages.

We are sharing this update with you as a valued Buckland customer and hope that this information will be useful and beneficial. As a customer-focused company, we provide you with a single source of unmatched Customs Brokerage (Canadian, US, Mexican), Trade Managed Solutions, Freight Forwarding, Trade Technologies and Warehousing/Distribution Services. If you have questions, please reach out to Buckland today.

The CSCB has heard from members who are very concerned with the change to the timing of Dec Accepted messages which, as a result of recent eManifest system changes, will be sent only after CBSA’s release decision which is now dependent on receipt of both the PARS and the carrier ACI.

In order for members to be aware of when carriers have submitted ACI, brokers can apply to receive Matched and Not-Matched Notices. If you have your own proprietary system, your application should be made directly to CBSA’s TCCU.  Alternatively, those who use service providers should make this request to them.

When a PARS is submitted before the carrier submits ACI, and the PARS is successfully validated in CBSA’s system, the broker will receive a PARS Not-Matched Notice. This indicates that the PARS has been successfully accepted by CBSA and cargo data has not been submitted. A PARS Not-Matched Notice means that the PARS has been successfully validated but has not yet been matched to related cargo.

If, after submission of a PARS, you receive a PARS Matched Notice, this indicates that both your PARS and the related cargo data from the carrier were successfully received.

The Dec Accepted Message is sent only after a release decision is made.

CBSA has also indicated that it is a misconception that CBSA does not “work” the PARS until cargo data is received and has asked that we advise members accordingly.

Lastly, guidance notices are expected shortly from CBSA regarding issues associated with Hand Carried Goods, inaccurate RNS release dates, CCNs with an I and/or O, and shipments where freight forwarders have filed paper rather than an eHousebill.

If you are experiencing any other eManifest or RNS related issues, please direct them to